Why (and how) I use the word "Barbarian"
...a profound contempt for the audacity of the nanny-state.
Civilization, in theory, is a set of structural principles upheld to regulate human behaviour for the purpose of promoting and maintaining a state of existence deemed favourable by a population or proportion of a population. Civilization is nearly synonymous with “law", and laws have various forms and modes of implementation. Law can be explicit: Written down in clearly defined terms, and enforced through specified procedure by individuals tasked with its enforcement. Law can be implicit: Limitation on behaviour understood as subtext and enforced with generalized osctracism/loss of status. Laws can be carved in granite for all to see, or they can be whispered commentary on etiquette and demeanor.
A Barbarian, then, being an “uncivilized” person, is a lawbreaker. Or, more specifically, is someone with a disregard for the limitations and controls of a society, whether they are explicit regulations or implicit. I use the word “Barbarian” to denote someone who has asserted that his own beliefs about health and happiness supercede those of the state or popular culture (or state-sponsored popular culture) if and when necessary. This is a libertarian belief, in the sense that the needs of the individual come before the needs of the state. This is a belief in the hierarchy of importance, starting with immediate family, proceeding through extended family, to friends, community locally, community nationally, and eventually community internationally. In this belief, the individual assumes as much responsibility as he can manage, remembering of course the value of the universal, which is mankind's relationship with the planet. The proponents of any given civilization may use “barbarian” as a slur, but when that civilization has become corrupt, dangerous, weak, inefficient, destructive or otherwise intolerable, when it makes one sick instead of fostering health, “barbarian” becomes a badge of honour - a declaration of moral opposition.
A Barbarian is someone who grows their own potatoes or keeps their own chickens regardless of whether local law says it is okay or not, because they believe that home-grown food is the all around best option, for the individual and the planet.
A Barbarian is someone who crafts their own furniture or pays someone they know to do it, even when grind culture says this is an irresponsible use of time and money, because developing skill or supporting your community is always a better option than filling corporate ledgers.
A Barbarian is someone who spits and laughs when state-sponsored, corporate backed “science” declares frosted mini-wheats to be a healthier food than ground beef, because they have eaten both and experienced their effects.
A Barbarian is someone who pays a high price for the art that inspires him, whatever it may be, and disregards valuations they deem baseless.
A Barbarian is someone who makes himself far physically stronger than his office job will ever require him to be because self-respect demands it.
A Barbarian is someone who applies the principles of meritocracy to all things, regardless of quotas, because they know effort, skill, talent, and right action must be rewarded.
A Barbarian is someone who rejects financial kickbacks and risks getting kicked off the board because he won't have the lake where he grew up fishing with his grandfather poisoned by industrial run-off.
A Barbarian is someone who rough-houses with their children and teaches them how to fight, because they know that self-defence is more important than appeasing the opinions of the people at next month's PTA meeting.
A Barbarian is someone who makes *adjustments* to the tax-returns of the little Babushka's farmers market Pierogi business, so she can stay afloat after the new Wal-Mart opens up.
A Barbarian is someone who knows where weapons are buried, so they can take up arms against their government when that government fails to protect the rights and welfare of its people.
A Barbarian is someone who disconnects the lunk-alarm at planet fitness so that members can deadlift in peace.
A Barbarian is someone who smuggles raw milk into his community.
A Barbarian is someone who voluntarily distributes his excess wealth to those in legitimate need instead of purchasing useless, body and soul destroying luxuries for the sake of artificial status and indulgence.
A Barbarian is someone who challenges his boss to a wrestling match to resolve a disagreement.
A Barbarian is someone who cancels their netflix subscription and offers to read out loud to guests.
Simply put, a Barbarian is someone who refuses to hold themselves accountable to the corrupt ideals of a broken civilization - this is the essence of how I use the word. Strength, discipline, responsibility, assertiveness, independence/self-reliance, respect, masculinity: These qualities are the new counter culture. Some manifestations of this concept are minor, like politely telling your book club you think the new New York Times best-selling post-modern novel everyone claims to love, is in fact, trash. Other manifestations are major, like refusing to sell your land for use in seed oil production. Whatever the scale, the concept remains the same.
Make your own decisions, and be ready and willing to fight to defend them.
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